Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a higher quality life. Wellness matters. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle.

Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services:

  • 59% of employees do not get adequate exercise
  • 50% or more have high cholesterol
  • 27% have cardiovascular disease
  • 26% are overweight by 20 percent or more
  • 24% have high blood pressure

Employee health affects more than just medical costs. A healthy workforce is a more productive workforce. Did you know that between 70 to 90 percent of health care spending is caused by preventable, modifiable health risks such as the ones bulleted above? Unhealthy lifestyle choices often lead to chronic diseases, costing businesses more than one trillion dollars in lost productivity alone. What all of this means is that promoting healthier behaviors can really pay off … the reason that workplace wellness is such a hot topic right now.

There are many different types of wellness programmes. The essence of these programmes is to encourage individuals to take preventive measures to avert the onset or worsening of an illness or disease and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

As healthcare costs continue to rise, it makes sense that addressing the specific needs of an employee population and maximizing the engagement and participation of workplace wellness programmes is critical. But how can you change behaviors?

Benefits to the Employer

  • Reduction In The Incidence Of Absenteeism
  • Reduction In Hospital/Medical Bills
  • Improved Employee Engagement In Their Core Business, Creativity
  • Improved Productivity And Profitability
  • Improved Personal And Interpersonal Relationships.


Benefits to the Individual

  • Self -Discovery, Self-Awareness
  • Improved Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem
  • Self-Actualization, Self-Mastery
  • Lasting Personal Transformation


Changing our behavior is ultimately up to each of us as individuals. However, employers have a tremendous opportunity to help their employees see the value of adopting healthier behaviors so that they can live healthier lives.

A workplace culture sets the tone for its employees. A supportive work environment, where managers reinforce a sound wellness strategy, can keep employees motivated and engaged. Wellness and incentive programmes can be used to drive and reinforce healthy behaviors, bringing benefits to the employer, the employee, and to the community,” Karen Smith, Director of Health & Wellness Services at Rose & Kieman, Inc.

In fact, over the years, the catalytic importance of the health and wellness of employees and their leaders has become increasingly clear. This is why an increasing number of Employers the world over have instituted Health & Wellness Programmes for Employees and their Leaders as an integral part of their corporate vision for increased productivity and effectiveness.


It is, indeed, in this view that Maadili Leadership Solutions is hereby inviting you to a 5-Step journey to self-discovery, self-consciousness, self-actualization, self- mastery – structured into a 3-Day Retreat — as outlined below:


MODULE 1: Know Thyself – Mind Body Spirit


Each Participant to Duly Complete the Mind Body Type Questionnaire (Dosha Quiz) and to Submit/Email Copy to Maadili Leadership Solutions for Analysis and Feedback


Knowledge, Skills and Tools for Self-Discovery, Self-Management, Self-Care.  In Particular:

(a)   Each Participant’s Mind Body Type at Conception,

(b)   Each Participant’s Current Mind Body State of Balance,

(c)   Relationship Dynamics as a Result of Mind Body Type Constituencies of Team/Family Members

(d)   For more details, see Section on the Versatility of the Dosha Quiz.

MODULE 2: Food as Medicine


Participants to Monitor and Document Their Eating and Drinking Habits Over One Week – Using Maadili Leadership Solutions Worksheet – in Order to Determine Areas for Possible Adjustment


Knowledge & Skills for Holistic Food & Nutrition Practices and Habits That Will Facilitate the Attainment and Maintenance of Vibrant Health, Appropriate Weight and Optimized Digestion.

MODULE 3: Detoxification, Regeneration, Renewal


Each Participant to Monitor and Document Their Daily Time Use Routines Over One Week – Using Maadili Leadership Solutions Worksheet – in Order to Determine Areas for Possible Adjustment.


Each Participant will learn:

(a) How to Identify and Eliminate Toxins That Accumulate in Their Minds and Bodies,

(b) Holistic Techniques to Release Stress, as well as

(c) Secrets for Restful Sleep.

MODULE 4: Emotional Freedom


Each Participant to Undertake an Assignment on One Difficult Relationship of Their Choice, in Their Private or Public Sphere of Influence.


Each Participant Will Learn:

(a)  Why Emotional Freedom Is The Key to Their Physical, Mental & Emotional Health,

(b)  How to Use Conscious Communication Techniques to Transform Their Private & Public Relationships

(c)  Drawing Up/Refinement of (i) a Personal Life Vision as Well as (ii) a Team/Family Joint Vision.

MODULE 5: Inner Pharmacy/5 Gateways to Metabolize Sensory Experiences


Each Participant Will Learn How to Harness the Healing Powers of:

(a)  Sound

(b)  Touch

(c)  Sight

(d)  Taste

(e)  Smell

Session 6: Graduation Ceremony

During This Closing Session, Each Participant Will:

(a) Receive a Chopra Wellness Centre University’s Certificate of Attendance,

(b) Declare/Reaffirm Your Personal Life Vision, Goals, Strategies, Action Plan,

(c) Participants Sponsored by Employers Will Have a Chance to Declare/Reaffirm Their

Individual and Collective Commitment to the Refined Strategic Vision, Goals, Objectives, Plans for Increased Productivity as well as for Harmonious Team Relationships.