Perfect Health
Invest in your Physical, Mental and Social wellbeing.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO). With a perfect health, you will develop cutting-edge leadership competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Consciousness & Self-Mastery.
We believe in Perfect Health.
We believe perfect health, Mind Body Spirit. At Maadili Leadership Solutions, we offer a 5-step exploration of mind body energy medicine based and Ayurveda.

Know Thyself
Discover your Mind Body Type Constitution through a versatile Dosha quiz and acquire cutting-edge leadership competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Consciousness & Self-Mastery.

Daily Renewal
The Daily renewal Program will help you release piled up toxins in your body, protecting you from falling victim to diseases through different types of therapy’s diets and cleansing techniques.

Your Internal Pharmacy
Explore and experience how you can use sounds, feelings, sights, tastes and smells to balance, nourish and heal your mind body, and spirit.

Food as Medicine
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”. Explore how food can be important both in helping treat past diseases and a preventive healthcare.

Emotional Wellbeing
We help you understand and work with your emotions but will also give you the tools to nurture the emotional intelligence of your clients, students, or employees.

Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurveda has tremendous benefits to the mind, body, skin as well as the immune system. Itis a remarkably personalized system of wellness based on the ancient wisdom.

How Maadili Leadership Solutions can help.
Maadili Leadership Solutions is hereby inviting you to a 5-Step journey to self-discovery, self-consciousness, self-actualization, self- mastery – structured into a 3-Day Retreat. This program will help you to deeply know yourself, understand holistic techniques to release Stress, Food as Medicine, Emotional Freedom and more.
Test yourself with The Dosha Quiz
Know Thyself with the Most Versatile Self-Management Tool. Discover your Mind Body Type Constitution as well as your state of balance.

Ask Bibi Nuru
Have a burning question? Whether you aspire to live a fulfilling life both at home and work, Bibi Nuru has a 60+ years of lived experience in both areas. Ask Bibi Nuru now.