“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”
What we eat and how much of it we take affects our overall health and mental well being. There are many reasons why we should pay attention to what we eat. Overall, seeing your food as medicine helps you make better decisions about what you eat and how to eat in order to make the best decisions for your own wellbeing.
Maadili leadership solutions introduces the concept of food as medicine. You will explore how food can be important both in helping the management of certain chronic diseases in the past and in the future and also as a preventive healthcare.
This course will also help you recognize which types of foods are vital for health and well being and how food can play an important role in treating/preventing diseases .You will also learn about what’s in food that gives it the potential to improve our health.
After you finish this course, you will have a broad general interest in food, nutrition and health and you will also be able to ;
- Describe what is meant by the term ‘food as medicine’ and be able to explain how food is used as medicine.
- Identify which types of foods are essential for health and wellbeing.
- Identify types of food that have an effect on different body systems, weight and appetite, fertility and pregnancy, and the genome.
- Identify which types of food play an important role in treating/preventing disease.
- Identify current evidenced based, nutrition related public health guidelines and apply these to improve personal eating habits and nutritional intake.