WORKPLACE WELLNESS: Why Organisations Should Invest In Their Health & Wellness
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to...
Perfect Retirement Program by Maadili Leadership Solutions
Often we are caught up thinking that retirement is a time to forget our worries, live without a boss and just have happy and good times but unfortunately this fantasy is not very common in real life. Many people think the main recipe for a good retirement is having a...
Marital, Family Wellness Program by Maadili Leadership Solutions
Success in marriage – or otherwise – depends to a very large extent on your knowledge, skills and competencies on HOW to understand and manage intimate human relationships. Of critical importance in this equation is your personal knowledge, skills and competencies on...
How to Establish Emotional Intimacy With Yourself
Emotional wellness is what helps us create happiness. Being emotionally healthy doesn’t mean you’re happy all the time. It means you’re aware and in control of your emotions. You can deal with them, whether they’re positive or negative. It means that we can know that...
Daily Renewal, Detoxification, and Purification
Maadili Leadership Solutions offers the best possible way to overcome the pressure and retain health. The Daily Renewal Program will help you release piled-up toxins in your body, protecting you from falling victim to diseases through different types of therapeutic...
Food as Medicine: Your Health is What You Eat
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” What we eat and how much of it we take affects our overall health and mental well being. There are many reasons why we should pay attention to what we eat. Overall, seeing your food as medicine helps you make...
Know Thyself with the Dosha Quiz: The Most Versatile Self-Management Tool
Ayurveda – which translates to the art and science of life — is a remarkably personalized system of wellness, based on the ancient wisdom from the Indian Sub-Continent, which views each one of us as being born with a remarkably individual blueprint for optimum...
HIV Infection and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
According to a Report on HIV Infection and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Status, Challenges and Opportunities by Ayesha B. M. Kharsany and Quarraisha A. Karim: “Global trends in HIV infection demonstrate an overall increase in HIV prevalence and substantial declines in...
Why Focus On Health and Wellness Of Africa’s Youth
According to the African Union, about 65% of the total population of Africa are below the age of 35 years, and over 35% are between the ages of 15 and 35 years – making Africa the most youthful continent. By 2020, it is projected that out of 4 people, 3 will be on...
The Health Status Of Women In Sub-Saharan Africa
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Gender inequity, poverty among women, weak economic capacity, sexual and gender-based violence including female genital mutilation (FGM) are major impediments to the amelioration of women’s health in the African...
The 5 Gateways to Metabolizing Sensory Experience
Discover How Life Is an Interplay Between the Environment, Mind, Body and Soul. Your Ears, Eyes, Skin, Tongue and Nose are the 5 Gateways through which you experience the world. Learn How the Composition of Your Mind is created out of your sensory impressions and How...
Ayurveda Treatments Offered By Maadili Leadership Solutions
Ayurvedic massage has tremendous benefits to the mind, body, skin as well as immune system. It is a synchronized massaging of the body from the periphery towards the core in order to get Dosha imbalances eliminated from the body through the orifices